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Become a Precinct Committee Person

A lot is at stake for Jackson County! The more people who volunteer, the better our community becomes! Will you help us?

Consider becoming a Precinct Committee Person! What is a Precinct Committee Person? All Democratic Party Precinct Committee Persons (PCPs) in Jackson County belong to the Central Committee (CC), which is the governing body of the Democratic Party of Jackson County. As a PCP, you have a voice and vote in the party when we make decisions that affect your community.


PCPs are organized by House District and precinct. As a PCP, you are the party’s grassroots, representing your neighbors to the party and the party to your neighbors. For every 500 registered voters in a precinct, there can be one precinct person of each gender (male, female, non-binary).


What are the prerequisites for becoming a PCP?

  • Your primary residence must be within Jackson County. If you are unsure of which county you currently reside in, you can find out using this county lookup map. If you don't reside in Jackson County, please consider getting involved with the Democratic Party of your local county!

  • You must be registered as a Democrat at your Jackson County address. If you are unsure about your voter status or are not currently registered as a Democrat in Jackson County, look up your voter status and/or re-register as a democrat.


How do I become a PCP? There are two ways to become a PCP: you can be elected or appointed. There is only one difference between becoming an appointed or elected PCP: elected PCPs may vote for party officers at the biennial party reorganization meeting. The only way to become an elected PCP is to run for election in the primary election, which is held May in even-numbered years.

  • To be elected as a PCP, you need to run for election during the May Primary Election that is held during even-numbered years. The next chance to be an elected PCP will be in May 2024

  • To be appointed as a PCP, first confirm that you meet the above prerequisites and are a registered Democrat in Jackson County. Once you are registered, please complete our Precinct Committee Person Application. You must attend one of our monthly Central Committee meetings in order to be appointed. 

For more information, email us or call our office at 541-858-1050


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