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Do Something!

Help our local candidates!

We have an outstanding group of committed fellow Democrats running for public office in Jackson County.  They need volunteers and donors.  Find their websites on our Candidates and Issues page.  Contact them directly or call us at 541-858-1050 and we’ll have someone follow up with you.

Eye on City Councils:   MAGA is targeting local boards and councils.  These groups make decisions that impact you.  Study your Voter’s Pamphlet, which will go in the mail the second week in October.  Also check our Candidates and Issues page for additional info.  And vote every race.  

Donate to your local party!

If you’ve been giving to the Harris/Walz ticket, the DNC, or the swing states, thank you.  But please understand that none of that comes to Jackson County.  

We’re excited about the future of the Jackson County Democrats – and we’re working hard to become more competitive in our Republican dominated county.  Please consider a generous one-time donation or – better yet – become a Grassroots Donor (monthly donor) to support our work.

Become a Neighborhood Leader!

You can have a profound impact on election outcomes by getting the Democrats in your neighborhood to turn out in every election – and vote every race.  Get the scoop here.

Help us expand our local voter base!

Ask about the following opportunities.  Most are happening right now.  Others are just getting started – We are reaching out to voters now and building for 2025 and 2026.


Partner Canvassing:  Face-to-face conversations are the most powerful way to turn disengaged voters into fully participating citizens.  Try it out by going door to door with a partner, under the guidance of one of our Canvass Captains.


Phone Banking:  Sign up here or here to make calls on behalf of swing state Democrats. Or help us build our local phone program.  See contact info at the top of this page. 


Postcards:   Our current effort targets younger voters in Jackson County.  Contact us for details.  Or write cards for the swing states through Postcards to Voters or Postcards to Swing States. Another option:  Vote Forward is a popular and successful letter-writing program.

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